Course Curriculum

    1. Introduction: What You're Going To Learn

    2. Discussion 1: Does Tech Stack Matter?

    3. Discussion 2: Why Use Javascript?

    4. Discussion 3: Which Database Should You Use?

    5. Discussion 4: Which Javascript Framework Should You Use?

    6. Discussion 5: Which Server Framework Should You Use?

    7. Discussion 6: What Are Development Environments?

    8. Practical 1: Installing Server Packages

    9. Practical 2: Creating server.js

    10. Practical 3: Config & Environment Variables

    11. Practical 4: Setting Up The Client App

    12. Practical 5: Committing To Github

    13. Recap: What You Have Learned

    14. Quiz

    1. Introduction: What You're Going To Learn

    2. Discussion 1: Why Start With Data Modelling?

    3. Discussion 2: Data Modelling Tools

    4. Discussion 3: Database Normalisation

    5. Discussion 4: Foreign Keys & Cascades

    6. Practical 1: Data Modelling

    7. Practical 2: Writing The Migrations

    8. Recap: What You Have Learned

    9. Quiz

    1. Introduction: What You're Going To Learn

    2. Discussion 1: What Is Model-View-Controller?

    3. Discussion 2: Should You Use an ORM or Query Builder?

    4. Discussion 3: Atomy Of a Model

    5. Practical 1: Creating The Knex Model

    6. Practical 2: Creating The Account Model

    7. Practical 3: Creating The User Model

    8. Practical 4: Creating the Photo Model

    9. Discussion 4: Atomy Of a Controller

    10. Practical 5: Creating The Account Controller

    11. Practical 6: Creating The User Controller

    12. Practical 7: Creating The Photo Controller

    13. Recap: What You Have Learned & Homework

    14. Homework Answer

    15. Quiz

    1. Introduction

    2. Note: Bugs & Errors

    3. Discussion 1: What Is an API?

    4. Discussion 2: What Is a REST API?

    5. Discussion 3: How Does a REST API Work?

    6. Practical 1: Building Our REST API

    7. Practical 2: Throttling Our API

    8. Practical 3: Bug Fixes & Improvements

    9. Recap: What You Have Learned & Homework

    10. Homework Answer

    11. Quiz

About This Course

  • $795.00
  • 172 lessons
  • 25.5 hours of video content


Purchase the course by itself, or with a complete SaaS boilerplate from


Kyle Gawley


Hi, I’m Kyle – I build SaaS products for a living. My current venture is a SaaS boilerplate called Gravity, which has helped 375+ founders save over 180,000 hours. Previously, I launched 10 SaaS products; most failed but one reached $5m of sales. I was also a guest lecturer at Ulster University in Belfast, teaching software development and UI/UX design. I’ve been programming for twenty years (since I was 10!) and work remotely from locations all around the world.